TSV Mindelheim Tischtennis

Our famous Team-Cup

The basic idea for the tournament came about in 1981 during a boozy evening in Heini’s Pilsbar, the older ones of you will still remember. The topic was the main club’s constant lack of money and since there was only one cash account for the entire club at the time – the department accounts were only created later by Hanna Schiegg and Roland Arnold – the departments had to “beg” for every expense, no matter how small.
This annoyed the then department head Roland Arnold and so he considered increasing the department budget through sponsors and his own campaigns. Karlheinz (Jim) Simmet then had the idea of ​​a TT tournament, always scheduled on the Epiphany weekend in preparation for the second half of the game. The special feature should be that it is planned for teams of two in order to also offer training opportunities for doubles. And it was supposed to ensure that everyone played as much as possible, so that the participants could play more than just one game and not have to go home after a defeat. This was the beginning of the now widely known two-team tournament.
Originally planned as a district tournament, it was played separately in the respective leagues (district leagues, district leagues and district leagues). The highest class played was supplemented by special invitations to friendly clubs, so that in addition to the district league, teams from the state league and even association leagues were also represented. Starting with around 40 teams at the first tournament, gradually up to 140 teams fought for trophies and titles.
The tournament will take place for the 40th time in 2025, interrupted only by Corona. You can download the preliminary information about the anniversary tournament below.

This is what winners look like...

Showing all the lists of winners here would go beyond the scope of the website, so only the last 10 years are shown as an example. Click through the winning photos (click on the arrows or directly on the image for a larger slide show) of the different classes and be surprised by who was there…