TSV Mindelheim Tischtennis

Our youngest players ...

We look after young people of all different age groups. In principle, previous knowledge is not necessary, but of course helpful. Experience has shown that 6 years is a good age to start playing table tennis. Since table tennis is a very “fine motor” sport that requires a lot of patience and concentration, you will quickly realize whether this is the right sport.
If the young people don’t have any equipment yet, that’s no problem. We always have a few test rackets available and no one has to bring balls with them anyway. Depending on their level of play, the young people are welcome to take part in the game in the appropriate ability classes, although certain basic skills are necessary for this. To test this, we invented our “table tennis driving license”. These are simple exercises with a ball and racket and ultimately serve as a basic requirement. If all the exercises are completed, you will receive a certificate and participation in the game is possible.
You can find detailed information about our youth training here and contact persons at Contacts.
We have set up a WhatsApp group specifically for the youth department. Current and relevant information about game operations and training is published here. If requested, we will include the young people and their parents in this WhatsApp group.

Insights into our training philosophy

COORDINATION EXERCISES is an important part of every sport and this applies to table tennis to a large extent. Various basic skills are required, which we teach through playful exercises, both in individual training, with course exercises and on robots. The exercises often cover several training goals at the same time. To explain this in practical terms, here are some examples:
BALANCE ABILITY – e.g. B. Running a course while balancing or bouncing the ball on the racket…
DIFFERENTIATION ABILITY – Fine-tuning individual movement phases through exercises such as shooting cans or shooting into a placed net.
RHYTHM ABILITY – Capture and implement the given rhythm (robot) – Change of tempo, run/hit/run – Double play on the robot to coordinate running paths – Concentration on placement and length of the ball, as well as the optimal meeting point (highest point of the flight curve).
RESPONSIBILITY – Changing the sequence of movements to signals (e.g. clapping) – Changing strokes quickly/slowly or forehand/backhand to signals
CHANGE ABILITY – Adaptation to changing conditions – Changes in direction on the robot – Length of the ball or cut/speed – Changing tactics in training games – Conscious selection of different serving techniques and placements in connection with the return.
COUPLING ABILITY – Coordinate movement sequences for each shot with special concentration on feet, legs, torso, hitting arm, wrist and of course the view/concentration on the ball.
Play Video
A few impressions from youth training
Play Video
Quick success with the robot
Play Video
The traditional circuit at the end of training

Special Reports Archive

Here you will find reviews of our youth events