TSV Mindelheim Tischtennis

Helmut Weidlich, Johann Schiegg and Luise Frei
Stefan Weiser – The first hurdle in the club
The first youth coach Hubert Stadler

The history of table tennis in Mindelheim

The first table tennis department in Mindelheim existed from July 1947 to 1957. Game enthusiasts during these years included Mr. Wimmer, Helmut Weidlich, Otto Munter, Josef Habigt, Stefan Weiser, Mr. Friedl and Luise Danner (now Frei). In the period from 1952 to 1954, these players took part in the Central Swabia Association Round. Unfortunately, the promising team had to be withdrawn because there was no suitable space for training and playing opportunities.
In December 54, Luise Danner (now Frei) managed to win the doubles at the Central Swabian Championships under the strongest competition 1st place, in mixed doubles 2nd and 3rd place in the individual. In 1956, also in December, R. Hölzle achieved a remarkable achievement at the Central Swabian championships of the C class for young people Achieve 2nd place in the individual among 30 participants.
Excerpt from the official club news of TSV Mindelheim from October 54: After two years of participation in the Central Swabia association round and in various team and individual tournaments, things have suddenly become very quiet around our department. Unfortunately, the lack of players and other difficulties forced us to withdraw the team from the association round. In our opinion, the lack of players cannot be resolved as long as there is no suitable space for training and playing opportunities on the boards. We just have to come to terms with the given facts and continue to play on a small scale. But it’s not the case that nothing is happening in the table tennis department anymore; interested parties can of course join in at any time. Finally, we would like to ask that even those who are skeptical about the table tennis department can convince themselves that the game of table tennis is definitely a full-fledged sport, even if it may not be as popular as some other sports. After all, that’s why we’re together in the gymnastics and sports club, where everyone can do sports according to their interests. That was the end of the TSV’s official TT department for a long time.

Re-founded on October 18, 1972

But the department continued to exist “underground” and on October 18, 1972 the table tennis department was re-established. Initiator war wieder Helmut Weidlich, der auch zum 1. Abteilungsleiter gewählt wurde. Tatkräftige Unterstützung erhielt er durch Johann Schiegg, Luise Frei und Stefan Weiser. Gespielt wurde in der alten Turnhalle am Rotkreuzplatz auf vier geliehenen Tischen. Einen Punktspielbetrieb gab es noch nicht. Unterhalb ein paar Bilder aus den Jahren 1972/73, erkennt ihr alle?
1. women´s team 1973 from left: Anneliese Handschuh, Luise Frei, Berta Heinzelmann and Ursula Gerle
1. Men´s team: Hubert Stadler, Michael Sollors, with reinforcements from national player Martin Ness, Gerd Weinrich and Karlheinz Simmet
Department heads Jochen Dröse, Ludwig Pointner, Josef Brack, Heinz Jakob, national player Wilfried Lieck, Stefan Weiser, Erwin Baur, Gerhard Helzel
By 1973, a lively game had developed with over 40 TT athletes. The club’s six tables were the pride and joy. One women’s and one men’s team, as well as two student teams, were able to take part in the association games. The women’s team consisted of Luise Frei, Ursula Gerle, Anneliese Handschuh and Berta Heinzelmann, the men’s team consisted of Werner Kreitmeier, Michael Sollors, Ludwig Pointner, Hubert Stadler, Helmut Weidlich and Ernst Brunner. In October 1973 both teams played their first league game; The women won 6:3 against TSV Haunstetten and the men won 9:5 against TSV Pfaffenhausen. The boys’ team started with a 7:2 win over TV Türkheim.
This year the first youth city championship was held, which was supervised by Hubert Stadler. Gerd Weinrich became champion, ahead of Michael Neumayer, Karlheinz Simmet, Guido Hafner, Rainer Maurer and Ludwig Kleiner. The first individual successes were also achieved in 1973. Rainer Maurer became the Central Swabian student champion, Guido Hafner took a good 9th place in the B class of the Swabian youth championships and Ludwig Pointer won the Central Swabian men’s ranking tournament.

We have always been more than table tennis...

The great bond over decades in the club is particularly evident through joint activities outside the club, and there have been many of them over the decades. The traditional city cup tournament with teams from the Cologne area has been running for over 30 years and the venues change every year. And every three years the teams insist on the event being held in Mindelheim. Is this due to the Frundsberg Festival?
A highlight was also taking part in the Paralympics in Hungary and the many Frundsberg festivals, for many years with our own stand at the former Pointner butcher’s shop. The carnival in Cologne wasn’t safe from us either and the legendary “Betscheler Ball” in Dirlewang always had a large table reserved for the Mindelheim table tennis department.
We also have great ties to many clubs in the area and these were maintained through comparison matches outside of the points rounds, and not just in table tennis. There were regular football games against SV Egelhofen with subsequent “celebrations”. We were mostly supported in a playful way by SV Mattsies. And then of course there is the annual ski trip, usually in the first week of March, to Ratschings in South Tyrol…
Participant at the Paralympics in Hungary
Every 3 years… the Frundsbergfest
Carnival in Cologne
Club excursions…
Line dancing of the “older” youth
Legendary “Betscheler balls” in Dirlewang
Traditional city cup tournament
Special club connections – SV Egelhofen/SV Mattsies
Annual ski week in Ratschings

More impressions – click through and let yourself be surprised...

The list of club champions

There are still many gaps and unfortunately no documents could be found for many years from 1997 onwards. If anyone can fill in some of these gaps, please let me know and send an email.